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Every month Bigstone Finance pulls key industry news and insights which we feel benefits our investors & borrowers.

July 2020

Stimulus will create new lending opportunities supported by the government – particularly infrastructure focused transactions

The $19 billion infrastructure spend, supported by Labor minister Greg Combet looks to create 200,000 jobs and create a path forward to Australia’s economic recovery from the covid-19 pandemic. With various infrastructure projects around Australia, this leads for the opportunity for lending opportunities backed by the Federal Government for Bigstone and its investors. Read more about the infrastructure spend in the AFR article here, and learn more about how Bigstone Finance provides lending opportunities here.

EOFY – erosion of capital profits as well as reduction in yield – The Bigstone investment product has had no capital erosion and yields remain strong.

The covid-19 pandemic brought tremendous financial implications, many of which will be realised this end of financial year, outlined in an article in The Australian Business Review. The S&P/ASX 200 index was down significantly for the financial year, with many retail investors and super funds realising a loss. With constant changes in the global public health crisis, risks in geopolitical relations, and overall market volatility, the importance of portfolio diversification is highlighted the EOFY. With Bigstone Finance, investors did not realise capital erosion and yields remained strong. Read more about Bigstone Finance’s investment opportunities here.

June 2020

Flattening the curve

In Australia we currently appear to have been very lucky to have ‘flattened the curve’ to such an extent that the impact of Covid-19 on the nation’s health, mortality and hospital system has been something other countries could only have dreamed of. The impact on the economy has been far deeper – the Australian Financial Review has an excellent on-going tracker assessing many metrics on the economic recovery for Australia.

Diversification in COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that anything can happen and disrupt solid dividends. The Financial Times Adviser interviews experts, telling just how vital it is to have a diverse range of income assets rather than relying on a limited number. There are a wide-variety of assets which can deliver long-term yield. Bigstone provides consistent returns through approved commercial lending, with opportunities to diversify your Bigstone portfolio across loans.

Rebounding Share Market

The rebounding share market as strong indicator of economic recovery and investor confidence. The Sydney Morning Herald reports, that as a clearer path shows itself out of the pandemic, the economic future of Australia looks brighter. Even with a potential second wave ahead, there seems to be less uncertainty and fear in investors, leading to increasing confidence and market upswings to come. ​​​​​​

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